ماذا فعل أب سوري في المجر؟

ت + ت - الحجم الطبيعي

حاولت السلطات الهنجارية سحب عائلة سورية لاجئة إلى معسكر احتجاز اللاجئين، بعد أن سُمح لهم بمغادرة "بودابيست" إلى النمسا بعد يومين من احتجازهم، فاضطر الأب أن يرقد هو وزوجته وطفله على سكة الحديد للقطارات في منظر محزن للغاية.

Danger: In one particularly harrowing sequence of images a father overcome with emotion tries desperately to protect his wife and child from being taken away - lying down on the tracks in protest This desperate migrant family were forced off a train by police in Hungary, as authorities tried to take them to a holding campLost control: The harrowing images show a man completely lose control of his emotions as he pleads to be allowed to stay with his familyEmotion: A refugee mother lies on the tracks with her young baby as Hungarian authorities try to detain her and take her to a holding campThe refugee family tried lying down on the tracks in protest before Hungarian police officers dragged them away for their own safetyHaving pleaded for his family not to be taken to a migrant camp, the refugee father was dragged from the scene in tears by police officersThe refugee father bites on to his wife's jacket in a desperate attempt to avoid being taken away from his family by Hungarian police
