بالفيديو والصور.. زفاف أسطوري للابن الأصغر لسلطان بروناي

ت + ت - الحجم الطبيعي

احتفلت سلطنة بروناي اليوم الأحد بزفاف أصغر أبناء سلطان بروناي حسن البلقية في قصر استانا نور الأيمان الواقع في عاصمة بروناي بندر سري بكاوان.

وذكرت صحيفة "ديلي ميل " البريطانية أن مراسم عقد قران الأمير عبد الملك ( 31 عاما) وزوجته دايانجكو (22 عاما) تمت أمام جمع غفير من الأصدقاء وأفراد أسرتي العروسين بالإضافة إلى وفود أجنبية.

The enthronement ceremony of Prince Abdul Malik, 31, and Dayangku Raabi'atul 'Adawiyyah Pengiran Haji Bolkiah, 22, took place in the lavish settings of 1,788-room palace, Istana Nural Iman in Brunei

The happy couple: The bride clutches a bouquet of crystal flowers, and sports a breathtaking three-piece jewellery set, with sizable emeralds
Prince Abdul Malik (pictured left) prays with bride, Dayangku Raabi'atul 'Adawiyyah Pengiran Haji Bolkiah. Malik is the son of the Sultan of Brunei, one of the wealthiest men in the world وقد ارتدى العروسان ملابس ذهبية اللون ومرصعة بالألماس ، كما حملت العروسة باقة من الأحجار الكريمة بدلا من الورد .
The bride's  Dayangku Raabi'atul 'Adawiyyah Pengiran Haji Bolkiah, 22, has her veil adjusted as she shows off her diamond and emerald tiara, necklace, brooch, bracelet and ring - as well as the delicate posy made of gems
Shoes fit for a princess: The bride wore jewel-encrusted Christian Louboutin heels, as well as a chunky pure gold anklet
The Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, was seen in traditional dress at the wedding ceremony of his son Royal guards  stood in large numbers in the Throne Hall, carrying ceremonial shields and spearsFriends and family, people of nobility and international dignitaries attended the ceremony, as the couple sat beneath in their gilded thronesThe Sultan of Brunei was seen caressing his son's hand while the blessing of the bride took place
The newly-weds are seen walking in the Throne Hall in their matching gold traditional attire
The couple sat in the luxurious gilded thrones, wearing matching traditional attire during the lavish ceremony, part of the 11-day extravaganza